Divine Feminine, Weaver, Empress, The Beauty Way
In my early 20's I experienced a relationship that lasted some years that was volatile, manipulative, emotionally abusive and so deeply psychologically damaging that I spent the following 10 plus years healing from and emerging from the shell that was left of me. Piece by piece, coming back together into wholeness.
By the end of that relationship I was changed, and not in a good way. I now had demons, my self worth shattered, I thought of myself as 'less than' I was told as much. The bright light and sparkle that had surrounded me, had been snuffed out. I partied till I was numb and couldn't feel my pain, I would drink and not be able to remember a thing from the night before. I was not there for people, because I couldn't even be there for me.
I suffered, I did not at the time have the tools to get myself out of the mess that was this relationship. It took multiple huge events over years for me to finally wake up to the trauma I was living.