About 3 years ago, began one of the deepest initiations of my life thus far, it also coincided with being locked inside during that worldwide event back in 2021, so the weight of it felt even more enormous. My world was thrown upside down, my human self felt isolated, lost, confused, I was neck deep in grief.
I had big questions, one that really stumped me was 'if there are no planets, absolutely nothing in the universe/s nothing at all, then there would be nothing. If you really deeply contemplate this, its quite mind boggling - like zero, nada, no thing and I tried to fathom it, I could not wrap my head around this idea. Where did everything come from? How did it all begin?
When I found out I was pregnant with baby number two, who I intuitively knew was a girl, I decided that I would like to have a home birth, so I went about finding a private midwife to assist me. I found an incredible midwife who was also a birth photographer and lactation consultant.