Interesting Ways My Intuition Speaks To Me
As a child I was always interested in the realm of spiritual things, crystals, making potions, magic and the topic of ghosts. I was fascinated by the night sky, stars, planets nature, animals and would often stare out the car window hoping to see a ufo or shooting star.
I had big questions, one that really stumped me was 'if there are no planets, absolutely nothing in the universe/s nothing at all, then there would be nothing. If you really deeply contemplate this, its quite mind boggling - like zero, nada, no thing and I tried to fathom it, I could not wrap my head around this idea. Where did everything come from? How did it all begin?
My friend growing up had a nan who would read our tea leaves for us, I found this fascinating, how could she possibly see anything in those little leaves, but she was so often spot on! When I was about 16 she told me I would travel all over the world to many places, I didn't believe it. I grew up with little money in our home as a kid and we went on one big family holiday beside the usual trips to Sydney to see family.
However the tea leaves were absolutely right, I lived overseas in Canada and learned to snowboard in Whistler, lived in Queenstown New Zealand for another ski season. I have travelled all over Europe spent 5 full months exploring, Japan - more snowboarding, Fiji, Vanuatu, Thailand, Singapore at last count I think I have been to more than 35 destinations - if you knew where I came from, you would not think this possible for me.
Skip to the part about my intuition -
I noticed some of the ways I receive my intuitive hits, could be ways that you do too...
- Hearing a song in my mind that comes out of nowhere and it has a profound message for me in that moment, usually these are songs from the 80's era!
- Seeing repeated numbers, a little different to the 11.11 vibes, for me I have specific combinations that mean something to me personally, when I see 79 or 97 I know I need to lean into trust and surrender
- Dreams - keeping a dream journal has been life changing, truly, when you read your dreams back its like you can see what the message is in all the symbology
- Synchronicity, this is a big nod that you are in alignment and to pay close attention to the signs, when I travelled through Europe, I experienced so much alignment, it felt truly magical
This journal is in progress - come back to see the completed version soon!!