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Meeting The Bone Mother

Being a Scorpio Sun sign and having Scorpio in Pluto and Saturn in my chart, I am no stranger to death, rebirth and transformation. I have traversed many ego deaths, dark nights of the soul and have moved house-location close to 20 times in my lifetime. 

About 3 years ago, began one of the deepest initiations of my life thus far, it also coincided with being locked inside during that worldwide event back in 2021, so the weight of it felt even more enormous. My world was thrown upside down, my human self felt isolated, lost, confused,  I was neck deep in grief.

I was being called to release what no longer served me, I was facing my worst fear. My intuition gave breadcrumbs prior to this happening but I politely ignored them. I had to make a choice, I had stepped through one door way, and there was no going back to the 'old me' I was sitting in the void, no going back as what once was, no longer existed, I could only move forward but going forward was facing my greatest fears.

I moved through all the emotions, shock, fear, sadness, grief, anger. I had frozen, I was lost in confusion, overwhelm and for the first 2 years was also navigating the closure of the world. It was a heavy time.

I was receiving much guidance during my very vivid dreams and I was keeping a dream journal, on the eclipse in April 2024 I had a powerful dream.

In it I saw a woman, she was not me but I knew she represented me, the woman's face was decaying there were maggots all over her face, then I heard 'its dead, its done, its over, and now we start again, and then everything became new. 

In true synchronicity I came across an Astrologist, I booked in for a reading with her, the reading was called 'Meeting the Bone Mother'. I told her about my dream.

Antoinette shares that The Bone Mother can enter our lives during intense times of death and rebirth. Through facing our fears and through the challenges we encounter Bone Mother can guide us to deeper wisdom, sovereignty and renewal. I feel honoured to have had a direct experience of Meeting the Bone Mother, to now creating a life from the compost of what was, planting seeds so vibrant and true to my heart. The journey has been long and testing and through this I have expanded greatly. I look forward to guiding other radiant souls through times like this. It is not for the faint hearted.